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Girls Arise Uganda - a big welcome!

If you've been listening to the G7 summit, you will know how important it is to educate girls. Yet many girls drop out of school because they lack the resources, or the infrastructure, or the support to be able to cope with their menstruation.

Today we are stepping up our commitment to help girls to stay in school. We are delighted to be partnering with Girls Arise in Uganda. This organisation is distributing Afripads and menstrual/sex education to girls in the Tororo District. Afripads are locally sourced, washable menstrual pads that can be reused and last a girl for about a year.

A set of Afripads is about 5 dollars. What else can you buy for 5 dollars that can change the world? In UK currency I worked out that it's 33 pence a day to keep one girl in school. Gosh! You can't even get a chocolate bar for that! So there's a little individual challenge for me; swop the chocolate for a pack of menstrual pads and it's a win-win situation!

What could you do to find 33 pence a day?

We've a plan for all budgets. A one-off donation is great and much appreciated. A subscription is even better. Please join us in supporting these girls.

We've put a counter on our home page now, so get it ticking over and share widely!

So many thanks, Rebecca

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